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Writer's pictureDr. Lena Edwards



Many women are unaware that there are other ways to screen for breast cancer besides mammogram. The main contender is breast thermography.

While mammogram uses x-ray images to determine abnormalities in breast tissue density, thermograms use infrared technology to detect heat and vascular activity in breast tissue. In this way, it is able to detect any potentially abnormal cell activity BEFORE it evolves and progresses.

Thermography is routinely used for the diagnosis and surveillance of other cancers, BUT IT IS NOT CURRENTLY RECOMMENDED AS A BREAST CANCER SCREENING TEST. However, it is important that women know about this as an additional option along with the other screening options.

1. Thermography allows detection of both breast cancer and potential breast cancer risk, which sometimes cannot be done through mammogram.

2. Thermography can also be positive in an area of obstructed lymphatic drainage, fibrocystic breasts, infection, and inflammation.

3. Thermography does not expose the breast to any radiation.


1. "A false-negative mammogram looks normal even though breast cancer is present. Overall, screening mammograms do not find about 1 in 5 breast cancers. Women with dense breasts have more false-negative results. Breasts often become less dense as women age, so false negatives are more common in younger women. False-negative mammograms can give women a false sense of security, thinking that they don’t have breast cancer when in fact they do."

2. "False-positive results are more common in women who are younger, have dense breasts, have had breast biopsies, have breast cancer in the family, or are taking estrogen."

3. "About HALF of the women getting annual mammograms over a 10-year period will have a FALSE POSITIVE finding. The odds of a false-positive finding are highest for the first mammogram. Women who have past mammograms available for comparison reduce their odds of a false-positive finding by about 50%. False-positive mammograms can cause anxiety. They can also lead to extra tests to be sure cancer isn’t there, which cost time and money and maybe even physical discomfort."

I have my own personal view, however as a practicing physician, I am still required to recommend all patients undergo mammograms....BUT YOU STILL NEED TO KNOW ALL OF YOUR OPTIONS!

YES... I know what your next question is!!!! I do thermography!

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