Adrenalogic: Outsmarting Stress

With over 10,000 copies sold, Adrenalogic: Outsmarting Stress is patients' guide to the real causes of and solutions for 'adrenal fatigue', stress, and stress related bodily disorders.
Stress is a worldwide epidemic and has been linked to every human disease. Dr. Lena Edwards, a stress and hormone imbalance expert, has helped thousands of patients suffering from stress related health challenges fully recover. In her book, Dr. Edwards dispels the modern myths surrounding stress, offers clear advice based on scientific research, and explains the many different causes of abnormal cortisol levels.
Adrenalogic also takes its readers behind the curtain to explain why the conventional wisdom of 'adrenal fatigue' is incorrect and even harmful. Finally, readers can learn the truth and learn the key strategies they need to find and treat the root causes of their low cortisol levels.
“This is a really complex subject, even for physicians. Lena has great insight into adrenal health and
overall wellness. I certainly understand the concepts better now than I did in medical school.
I've recommended it to other physicians and patients.”​
Michael Banks, MD
Vice President & Cofounder of The Doctor's Channel
“Optimum health (synonymous with best possible immune functions, recovery from disease, top fitness, maximum sexual capacity, least rate of cognitive decline and aging) is defined as a state of homeostasis, arrived at by correctly applying some 40 to 50 variables, which can also be grouped together as good health practices. Stress management, as so magnificently discussed by Dr. Edwards in Adrenalogic, is one of those good health practices. Proof comes from Telomere research; Telomeres, repeating sub-units at the end of chromosomes are true indicators of longevity and remaining life potential; distress shortens them, and the modalities utilized so logically in Dr. Edward’s book lengthen them.”​
Dr. Hans J. Kugler, PhD
President of the International of Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine
“A work of art - eloquently written, yet hard hitting at the epicenter of endocrinologic understanding, Adrenalogic is a masterpiece! Dr. Lena has brilliantly combined a powerfully profound practical guide for the physician and patient alike. Thorough in her documentation, prolific in academic pursuit, and demonstrating a clear concern for our stress-full and hectic 24/7 lifestyles, Dr. Edwards has delivered pure genius in Adrenalogic. Certainly transforming right down to and beyond the cellular level, she brings a message of hope for us all."​
Dr. Norman Raymond
Obstetrics & Gynecology and Clinical Professor
Ohio University College of Medicine
“Dr. Edwards has written the most important contemporary work available today on the
physiologic and medical aspects of the stress response. No one has assembled such detailed and practical information on the topic in one book. A must read for anyone dealing with stress… which is probably everyone!”
Andrew Heyman, MD, MHSA
Director of Fellowship of Integrative Medicine
Medical Metabolic Institute in cooperation with
George Washington University
“Adrenalogic is a work of synergism and serendipity, of sense and sensitivity. Dr. Edward’s remarkable
book in the field of adrenal dysfunction takes an evidence-based approach that dispels ante-nodal notions of adrenal fatigue of a by-gone era. The timing couldn’t be more perfect as her thorough research
and insightful observations logically and scientifically links the adrenal system, as never before,
with the many manifestations of chronic disease found in a stressful world. This foundational work is
required reading for all who yearn to live a full life of optimized health and wellness today and in the future.”​
Roger Garcia, D.O., J.D.
Author, Aged to Perfection
“Having personally spoken with Dr. Edwards at a medical conference, it was a pleasure to read her book. It provides a much more current and up-to-date understanding of “adrenal fatigue” (just say that phrase around her and see what she says, or better yet, read the book!) for both the physician and the patient. She has pulled together much of the current medical research into a much better clinical understanding of what is really involved in this condition and what to do about it. This should be mandatory reading in medical school. It is very thorough yet very readable. A very good job, Dr. Edwards, one of my favorite books and clinicians!”
Amazon customer book review
“Stress is unavoidable in our society. We are driven, achieving, competitive, and over-worked individuals who have mastered the art of multitasking. In the short term, these traits can be manageable. The long term effects of constant stress are vast. Adrenalogic describes in detail how stress affects our bodies and explains, in metaphorical terms, the chronic and often debilitating medical conditions that originate from stress. Dr. Lena Edwards uses case studies to allow the reader to step inside her office and journey through the treatment program, including the remarkable recovery made by those who follow the regime and dedicate themselves to improving the quality of their life. I was thrilled to find a book that is written with the reader in mind. It is filled with relevant, knowledgeable, and medically necessary information. This book teaches you how to listen to your body. I am living proof that the conditions in this book exist and that recovery is attainable! Thank you Dr. Edwards!”
Amazon customer book review
“Do you ever wonder what’s going on in your body or why you feel the way you feel when you live under chronic stress? Are you tired of being tired and sick of being sick? Have you done rounds of medical tests only to find out that “all results are normal,” yet you know that something is terribly wrong with you? Dr. Edwards breaks it all down very clearly in her book. She has an incredible knowledge on the complex subject of stress and explains it all in simple terms. Her book is very easy to read and you don’t have to have a medical degree to understand it. In addition, the book is full of practical solutions on how to take control of stress in your life and “live a longer, more fulfilled and healthier life”. What brings this book to a new level is that Dr. Edwards has been there and experienced first hand the impact of chronic stress on the body. She made the healthy choices in her life and is now passionate about helping others to “outsmart” stress in theirs. Don’t stay in the dark! Learn what makes you sick and take control of your stress before it takes control of you! Thank you, Dr. Edwards!”​
Amazon Customer Book Review