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Educational Webinars
We offer patients a wide variety of pharmaceutical grade nutritional supplements from companies Dr. Edwards knows and trusts.
Less than 5% of all supplements are pharmaceutical grade. We are proud to offer patients access to only the safest, purest, and highest quality products.
Shop Educational Webinars
These cutting edge educational modules have been developed to empower patients with
the knowledge they need to proactively manage their health.
The information in these modules is based on Dr. Edwards' 25 years of clinical experience
and the most up to date scientific evidence.
Educational Webinar Offerings
Laboratory Recommendations & Interpretation for Women Over 30: available now
Abnormal Lab Results: What to Know & What to Do Next: coming soon
Everything Women Need to Know About Female Sex Hormones: available now
Everything Women Need to Know About Hormone Testing: coming soon
Everything Women Need to Know About Bioidentical Hormone Replacement: available now
The Hidden Factors Sabotaging Your Weight Loss: coming soon
Everything You Need to Know About Thyroid Hormone: coming soon
What Women Need to Know About Eating Right for Their Metabolic Type: coming soon
Your Exercise Prescription: coming soon
Lab Recommendations & Interpretation for
Healthy Women Over 30
Enjoy this FREE preview
Retail Price: $249.95
Current Discounted Price: $149.95
(For a Limited Time Only)
Comprehensive Reference Guide Included
This webinar is perfect for women who want to take charge of their health! It can be VERY frustrating to feel OUT OF CONTROL when it comes to staying healthy. Even if you are doing everything right, other hidden factors can SABOTAGE your efforts...But, HOW do you know how to PROACTIVELY prevent future health challenges if you DON'T KNOW what labs you really need??
You will learn EXACTLY what lab work you need if you are in generally good health and WANT TO STAY HEALTHY. Even though some of the labs discussed are part of routine blood will also learn the OTHER IMPORTANT LABS that should be done that are NOT TYPICALLY included in a 'routine blood panel'. WHAT'S'll learn why lab results that fall in the 'normal reference range' DON'T MEAN HEALTHY, and how early disease processes can easily be missed!
Some of the labs discussed include vitamin levels, including Vitamin D, B12, and folic acid, markers of inflammation and increased risk of heart disease, and the genetic marker for abnormal folic acid metabolism. Thyroid hormone testing is also discussed, and a detailed explanation of thyroid hormone production and proper test interpretation is provided.
What Every Woman Needs to Know About
Female Sex hormones
Enjoy this FREE preview
Retail Price: $249.95
Current Discounted Price: $149.95
(For a Limited Time Only)
Comprehensive Reference Guide Included
No matter what your age, female sex hormones are affecting every single metabolic function in your body. Estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, and DHEA control everything from menstrual cycles to mood, from memory to body weight.
There is A LOT of MISINFORMATION out there about female sex hormones, what they do, and the safety of replacing these hormone for the relief of symptoms and prevention of diseases such as heart disease, osteoporosis, and Alzheimer's Disease.
This webinar reviews the hormones estrogen, progesterone, DHEA, and testosterone in detail, including what they do, the symptoms of deficiency, and some of the factors, such as diet, that affect these hormone levels.
EVERY WOMEN who is on hormone replacement or is considering starting hormone replacement NEEDS to watch this webinar!
Everything a Woman Needs to Know About
Female Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy
Enjoy this FREE preview
Retail Price: $249.95
Current Discounted Price: $149.95
(For a Limited Time Only)
Comprehensive Reference Guide Included
Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) has been very controversial since the World Health Initiative Study in 2002. Despite the fact that the Principle Investigators of the study REVERSED their findings in 2017, women remain fearful of HRT.
Well, there is absolutely NO REASON to fear HRT as long as it is being properly dosed, properly monitored, and prescribed by a highly experienced health care practitioner!
Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) is believed by many (including Dr. Edwards) to be a superior and safer way to restore hormone balance in female patients.
This webinar will discuss the differences between HRT and BHRT, dosing methods (including pellets), potential side effects, hormone relationships, and which hormones to avoid. Dr. Edwards also includes some key strategies women should always use while on BHRT.
This webinar is a MUST SEE for any woman currently on BHRT or HRT or is considering starting hormone replacement therapy. Learn everything you need to know about estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, and DHEA replacement so you can restore hormone balance SAFELY and EFFECTIVELY!
“Having personally spoken with Dr. Edwards at a medical conference, it was a pleasure to read her book. It provides a much more current and up-to-date understanding of “adrenal fatigue” (just say that phrase around her and see what she says, or better yet, read the book!) for both the physician and the patient. She has pulled together much of the current medical research into a much better clinical understanding of what is really involved in this condition and what to do about it. This should be mandatory reading in medical school. It is very thorough yet very readable. A very good job, Dr. Edwards, one of my favorite books and clinicians!”
Dr. Ryan K.