Today is Valentine's Day...a day dedicated to the celebration of romance and romantic love.
Sexual intimacy is an important aspect of many relationships, and regular sexual activity has been shown to improve immune system function, lower blood pressure, improve heart health, and burn calories 📷:)
So, we all know that sexual intimacy is important, and some of us may even remember how fun it used to be...
...As women get older, their desire for sexual intimacy often declines for a variety of different reasons...some of which are based upon Mother Nature's plan...
...Females reach their hormonal peak around age 30. Thereafter, hormone levels begin to decline fairly rapidly (compared to men's) so by age 50, we make a fraction of the sex hormones we made in her late 20's....
...This is because Mother Nature has designed females to dedicate their lives to the pursuit of reproduction and child rearing. Males, on the other hand, are bestowed with the task of doing whatever they can to preserve their species....reproduce, reproduce, reproduce...which is why their testosterone levels stay higher for a longer period of time...(i.e. Mick Jagger and Hugh Hefner)...
...So, yes...many of us are more focused on our good book or SLEEP as we lie in bed next to our partner...and on occasion, I will remind my husband to "blame Mother Nature"... (which isn't as effective an excuse as it used to be, so now I blame the kids).
There are OTHER REASONS, however, for female lack of sexual desire. Here are a few of them:
1. Stress 2. Kids 3. Stress 4. Concerns about weight or body image 5. Relationship issues 6. Prescription medications (very common cause! especially anti-depressants, sleeping pills, and birth control) 7. Genitourinary or vaginal conditions which make sexual intercourse difficult or uncomfortable
There are solutions to all of these causes, well...except maybe the kids part...I am still working on a solution for that! I haven't found any doctor or colleague good enough to make my kids disappear! 📷:)
...IMPORTANT NOTE: Sexual intimacy is not a necessary part of a happy relationship. Many people are mutually satisfied with other aspects of their relationship without the need for sexual intimacy. So the acceptable frequency of sexual activity between partners really depends on their mutual feelings, needs, and desires....